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ESD Replay VHS is not dead

ESD Replay VHS is not dead
Elektronická licencia
Kód tovaru:1443906
Výrobca:ESD HRY
PN kód:ESD_6990
EAN kód:
Záruka: 24 mesiacov

skladom (20)

3,26€ 2,72€ bez DPH

Elektronická licence určená pro platformu Steam

Replay: VHS is not dead is a puzzle/ platform game, set in a movie-based universe.

Record your characters’ movements

Use the remote control powers to bend time

Change character and play again to combine their actions

Pixel art style and evolving gameplay

About 70 levels in 4 different movie-based universes

Records to break and a secondary objective for each level

The story

It is an ordinary Saturday evening for Harvey Hachess as he leaves his favoritevideo club for a movie night. On his wayback, he gets caught in the middle of arain and a threatening storm. Suddenly,he’s hit by a lightning strike! Knockedout for few minutes, he goes on as if nothing had happened.

Once home, Harvey gets comfortable and plays a video tape, a bag of popcorn in one hand and the remote control in the other one. But something seems wrong as herealize that some scenes are missing from the movie! He puts in another tape, same result… He, then, checks all his cassettes one by one but stays out of luck.

As the last tape was ejected, the VCR made a strange sound and the screen lightened up. Harvey founds himself sucked into the TV. He finds there a great opportunity to re-record all the tapes withoutrisking the loss of his Video Club membership.

The team

The game was created by a student team from the Institute of Internet and Multimedia, and took shape with Neko Entertainment’s support.

Návod na aktivaci elektronického klíče pro Steam:
1. Nainstalujte si program Steam – ke stažení zde: a klikněte na „NAINSTALOVAT SLUŽBU
2. Jestliže ve službě Steam nemáte účet, klikněte po spuštění aplikace na „VYTVOŘIT NOVÝ ÚČET a pokračujte dle pokynů.
3. Následně se přihlaste se ke svému účtu ve službě Steam.
4. Na obrazovce Steamu klikněte vlevo dole na tlačítko „+ PŘIDAT HRU“ a zvolte si „AKTIVOVAT PRODUKT VE SLUŽBĚ STEAM“.
5. Postupujte podle pokynů na obrazovce a zadejte aktivační klíč a dokončete aktivaci.
6. Produkt zobrazí na levé straně obrazovky v sekci knihovna her.
7. V případě her můžete začít stahovat hru, kterou budete po stažení moci spustit.
8. V případě dobití peněženky se doplní kredit na účtu.

ESD Replay VHS is not dead

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